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me as a powerpuff girl

it's nice to have a little breakfast made for you

11.20.01 - 5:24 p.m.

Wow. 4 pm already and what have I done with my day? Besides being the biggest nut of all over this Thanksgiving dinner I'm cooking. I am so obsessed with getting the turkey right - and we weren't even going to HAVE a turkey in the first place! But now I know all the professional techniques, and fuck 'em cause we don't have a real roasting pan but it will turn out well anyway. I'm not worried about anything but the turkey. I could make mashed potatoes and green beans in my sleep.

I also played the absolute best new internet game for hours and hours: the E!Online Prime Time Poker game. It's easier than normal poker, which I never could get the hang of, because all you do is match up actors from their respective television shows. I think it's crappy that characters from Buffy and Angel don't count as matches with each other, though.

And I hope we have enough bowls to serve everything in on Thursday. And I haven't eaten lunch yet today - I just haven't been hungry, I don't know what's wrong with me. And I hope we can find some sort of meat thermometer. And I haven't even thought about the Ben Folds concert yet.

Today I'm reading From A to B and Back Again: the Philosophy of Andy Warhol, which is one of the most entertaining books. Andy is one of the most entertaining men. Anyway, he has this to say:
"I wonder if it's possible to have a love affair that lasts forever. If you're married for thirty years and you're 'cooking breakfast for the one you love' and he walks in, does his heart really skip a beat? I mean if it's just a regular morning. I guess it skips a beat over that breakfast and that's nice, too. It's nice to have a little breakfast made for you."

My heart definitely skips a beat over breakfast. And lunch. And nachos.

Oh, and this is such a great article on verbal tics. Especially the part about how women have to preface sentences with "Well," and things like that. And that's all I have to say about that.

the night before - the morning after

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