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thanksgiving recap

11.26.01 - 4:31 p.m.

I can't stop saying the phrase "crap on a crap cracker." It runs through my mind all day and makes me laugh at the most inopportune moments, which is pretty much all the time since I sit out here by myself with only Unnerving Evan to watch over my shoulder and wonder why I am laughing to myself.

So it's been five days since the last installment (listen to me, now I'm putting my life into episodic form) and I can't even remember everything that happened. Start with Wednesday: Moom and Bassett finally made it to Jersey City, I had a screaming fit with Moom on the phone as to where the sugar was, I wandered around Bryant Park with a bag of bagels looking for a homeless person, Dan met me on the library steps and we went to the Ben show. The Ben show did in fact rock the hizzy. Not to be a complete nostalgia freak, but the encore was just amazing...Ben by himself at the piano playing all the old BFF favorites like Best Imitation, Philosophy, Angry Dwarf AND, for the first time I've heard it ever, Evaporated! I completely felt like one of those overemotional TRL girls watching Enrique Iglesias, but it was such a fitting tribute to have Ben play the old songs by himself - like no one could possibly fill Robert and Darren's shoes. Then the whole band came out and played the Bitch Song, ruining my tribute idea but still making a big happy fun dance party. Rockin' the hizzy.

Then it was Thanksgiving and we made the turkey and all the food and it all went according to plan, so now I have become a Woman of the Kitchen. I made myself the Thanksgiving feast. Yee-haw. And there was the Harry Potter movie, which kept giving me chills and chills and was quite well done, but honestly, I'd rather be a nerd and read the books.

Friday I took Moom on her little Path train adventure into the city, where she liked Central Park the best, even though not a day before she had been worried to step inside because that's where people get killed. (To which Bassett and I replied, "No, Moom, people die in Pittsburgh.") Oh, the Moomy. So now she's not as afraid of New York, for which I am glad, because it's not as hectic and scary as it seems when you are there with an EDA. My New York is so much better.

Then my little family went back to PA on Saturday and I was left to my own devices, like making felt stockings for the house and drinking the pumpkin smoothie from Jamba Juice. (Note to self: stick with more fruity varieties.) And Dan returned and we loafed around, watching silliness and being silly people until he had to go back to the shore and get my HARVEST MARKET GLASSES! - And go to work, yeah yeah. And that brings me to today, where I sit around and think about TV shows and generally don't do any of the little goals I set for myself.

And I thought it was, "Ah, mercury, sweetest of the transition elements," but I could be wrong. After all, I was laughing rather loudly at the time.

the night before - the morning after

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