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me as a powerpuff girl

i thought i was smarter

12.10.01 - 8:03 p.m.

In keeping with my Emode addiction, I just took the Ultimate IQ Test and ended up with a score of 127. I don't know why I'm a little depressed about this - it's a good score and I already knew my IQ was above 115 because of the school gifted program requirement, and I consider myself smarter than many of the people I work with daily. I also realize that it's only an online test and, though credentialed, is no substitute for the official IQ test I took when I was five.

But I just thought it would be higher.

It did tell me that my Intellectual Type was a Word Warrior: "Like William Shakespeare, you are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level," it said. That's pretty much true, but nothing I didn't know before. Scoring 650 in verbal on my GREs as compared to 500 in quantitative, and similarly on my SATs (all three times) kind of confirmed that for me. I just want to be the smartest! It's not enough that I must win every board game! I must know it ALL!

And yet, all this pulsating knowledge in my noggin isn't doing anything for my job search. Maybe that's the one part of my brain that's defunct, that's keeping my score down. Oh, damn those little grey cells.

the night before - the morning after

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