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me as a powerpuff girl

bring back the runcible spoon!

12.11.01 - 7:18 p.m.

Just when I'm finally used to the Hotmail redesign, they go and change it on me again. How can I be happy if they keep moving the Sign Out button on me?

Big Boss Man's daughter is in the office today, she can't be more than 6, and her name is Ariel. Now the first thing I think of when presented with these facts is: did you let her name herself after a Disney character? It IS my favorite Disney movie (yes, even more so than Oliver and Company), but still. Those are some pretty big boobs to fill.

Today on the bus I was thinking yet again of Ed, and of the disappointing turn it's taken this season. Not to knock the overall genius of the show of to negate any of the season's high points (like "rock the hizzy," for example), but the show's not what it once was. And the theme song is only one part of its miseries.

Anyway. The point is, I thought of another way second-season Ed is gypping us loyal viewers: they're barely filming anything new on location anymore! So much is done inside Stuckeybowl - the bowling alley, the courthouse, now the Smiling Goat - that there's going to be nothing left when Dan and I start taking people on our Ed tours. Krauszer's and Hurley's are good, but they're barely featured. Give us more locations! More places to eat! Or even not places to eat, because there are already a few of those. Just SOMETHING, anything new to keep that authentic small-town Ed flavor.

Speaking of flavor, I am eating too many Way-2-Sour Blow Pops - seriously the best candy idea ever since Sour Patch Kids - and they are rotting my teeth slowly with their insidious nummy taste. Oh my god, they are so good. Sour lollipop AND sour gum. The lemonade flavor is particularly addictive. I am apparently the only person in the office who likes them, which does not surprise me. And Evan is listening to opera or something. Will the day's wonders never cease?

the night before - the morning after

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