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me as a powerpuff girl

climbing the IQ charts

12.12.01 - 8:13 p.m.

There are jobs you apply to just to feel like you're doing something, and then there are the jobs you really want. I've applied to maybe five jobs in the past week but only one of them is a job that seems a good fit for me. I'm sick of the process, don't know if it's the right process but can't think of a better way to go about doing it. The same old argument. And I'm still waiting for a call back from Real Simple - at this point you don't even expect a good response, you just want the decency of any response at all.

Today I read the scripts for A Wrinkle in Time and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Wow. Those books are some of the greatest books ever - even reading mediocre screenplays made me all tingly and immersed in their world. Reading Harry Potter brought the feeling back to me, but these, these are the originals. The real deal.

And continuing with my IQ obsession, I found a few more sites to help me on my quest to be the smartest person ever. I went to and my results from that one told me I had an IQ of 149! That's genius level! I mean, I knew I was in the Genius Guild and Kerouac said you're a genius all the time, but.... That just can't be right. Evan laughed in his sarcastic manner, of course, though he seems to be getting nicer to me. Which actually freaks me out even more.

There's a party in the reception room. Ron is dancing around the coffee table. Evan is asking people how old they think they're going to be when they die. What an optimist. I gotta go.

the night before - the morning after

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