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me as a powerpuff girl

we're still fighting it

01.10.02 - 5:55 p.m.

OK, so I did have fun last night and it was good to see everyone. Yet I'm amazed that though we talk about our new grown-up jobs and grown-up lives, we're all still the same idiot college kids. Rob gets drunk and must defend his fraternity brother's honor by pouring a beer on some guy's head. Just like when they'd all go to Fiji to start a ruckus. They still drink copiously and Tim wants to pass out on the Path train and can't remember how he got home the next morning.

I don't know, though. Rob has more levity and maturity these days; he takes the 12:15 train home instead of passing out on Doerge's couch. John cut his hair and is a manager at Simon & Schuster instead of following some band around the United States. Everyone is happy that I found a boyfriend who is the complete opposite of Court. Everyone is shocked that Court is still functioning.

My left pinky hurts from two days spent doing nothing but writing emails and IMing.Because I never really learned to type correctly and only hit the shift key with my left hand. I so have carpal tunnel.

the night before - the morning after

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