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me as a powerpuff girl

lucky not to be trapped in the back hallway

03.13.02 - 4:42 p.m.

Some days there's just nothing to say. And other days I consider myself a very lucky girl, indeed. Like last night when I was locked between the bathrooms and the lobby with no key card, no wallet, no voucher for my car and no one else on the floor, and I burst through the lobby door just in time to see John the COO letting himself in. At 10:30 pm! What would I have done if he hadn't been there? It would have been a VERY bad night if he hadn't.

Of course, the security guard downstairs likes me and recognizes me, so maybe I could've had some leeway there. Or I could have begged the driver to take me home and Kerry could have let me inside. But to be stuck in the back hallway of Walden, as if I don't spend enough time here already...shudder. That might be my new personal hell.

And you know what I want that I haven't had in a long time? An asiago bagel, toasted, with jalapeno salsa cream cheese from Einstein Bros. Ohhhh, all the memories that come with that bagel.

Moving on from the bagel. After I made it out of work with myself and all my personal belongings intact, I waited on the street for the glorious hired car to whisk my ass back to JC. As I waited, a dude (for there is no other appropriate word) with a crazy tucked and piped leather jacket strolled by, carrying the grey equivalent of my new orange bag, the Bassett birthday present, but with the number 3 sewn on instead of 42. And I wished with all my heart that I had been carrying my bag instead of leaving it at Dan's this morning so he could see that we were bag twins, and I wondered if 3 was his favorite number, causing us to purchase our bags for the same reason.

Then I got in the car, came home and watched the end of The Osbournes before Dan came over, making it two great nights in a row we've been together. And I'm writing this in here so he can never dispute it, that he said he loved me so much that he'd let me watch my Buffy rerun if I really wanted to. Lucky for him I was tired and fell promptly asleep after the end of Ed.

Watching Ed with Dan is in no way boring, however, and I don't think it will ever be. Which makes me wonder - what the hell was I doing at this time last year? Why did I ever think that was good and right? I mean, I have no real lasting trauma from it, but there's no way I'd ever choose that over what I have now. No way in hell.

the night before - the morning after

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