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me as a powerpuff girl

extremely fat kitty up for adoption

03.15.02 - 10:12 a.m.

My sister is scientific and cute!

It never fails. Every time I eat yogurt at this desk, a big glop invariably lands on the EXACT SAME PLACE on my thigh. Like clockwork! Today I am lucky because my pink frilly flowered skirt camouflages cherry yogurt, whereas my typical jeans tend to absorb dairy products.

Carol wants me to adopt TC. He ate an azalea and was foaming at the mouth so she drove him to the emergency pet room in Ebensburg, and later she found him lounging around the backyard without his leash. I totally would take Senor Hefty, too, if I weren't concerned about finding a new, pet-accepting apartment, getting his fat ass across two states and into NYC, and possibly moving to ANOTHER state on top of all this.

Of course, Amy drugged Casper when she had to take him on a plane, so that's a possibility. But imagine lugging Monsieur Le Grand around as dead weight. GOD. He might not even be allowed as carry-on luggage.

I did see the cutest combo pugly bulldog last night as I walked home from the train. Small like a pug but with more of a bulldog face, I don't even know what it was, but it was ADORABLE! And I watched The Osbournes, which is so my new favorite show and they are more insane with animals than anyone I've ever seen. They're more insane in general than anyone I've ever seen, but somehow their pet menagerie makes it icing on the cake.

the night before - the morning after

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