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shopping is a dialogue

03.19.02 - 4:40 p.m.

How have I not found this website sooner? It's the only reason I watch Smallville!

Meh. As usual, it's 4pm and I can't get my fingers to type anything of interest or importance. After the stupid freaking computer crashed and I lost my entry last night, I felt it was pointless to continue - I had nothing to say yesterday, either. Basically, I talked about how I told Dan that "shopping is a dialogue" after we went to Banana Republic this weekend, because it is, because it's nice to have a reaction when you're buying things, nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and get opinions from, but Dan just likes to stand there and tell me to buy pink undies. Which, incidentally, are so comfortable. I may only wear Banana Republic undies for the rest of my life.

And there were other things we did this weekend too, mostly Little Silver-type things like Ichabod's and the Globe, and I played with fat kitty and his big green bow, and Dave found a Decepticon buried in the bushes while I was repotting my plants.

It was good to get away, good to have a square meal with Dan's parents and to relax, drive around and be all suburban. I wish I'd never given Dad my work number, not when he calls me at work to badger me about looking for another job and it doesn't take that much time, Case, to drop your resume off with a headhunter, I signed you up for this wine thing, they have a gala, I thought it would be good for you to network, don't you have your resumes out there anywhere at all? GOD! The last thing I want to do when I get home at night is to spend another hour or two looking for jobs. Give me a few hours of peace and quiet with my television, please. And DON'T ask me about this when I'm at work, where you make me want to cry, where I can't even respond because Evan can hear every word I say!

And Dan is going to Florida for a week. And Kerry's friends, AND her brother, will be staying at our house for god knows how long. Meh, meh, meh. If they eat my food, I will kill them all.

the night before - the morning after

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