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me as a powerpuff girl

now i can die

03.25.02 - 4:17 p.m.

To save my sister from eeevil pits of doom, I am updating. Maybe if she bought me DSL so I could update from my bed, I would write more on the weekends.

But instead I went on a four-hour walking tour. Which wasn't as painful as it sounds, because the theme was NYC Movie Locations, and mixed in with all the Barbra Streisand and Midnight Cowboy things were some great sites. Like the Ghostbusters building where they fight Monsieur Stay-Puft, the church where our lovable drunk Arthur gets married, and my sole reason for the tour...Holly Golightly's apartment. Not that I wasn't happy to see The Shop Around the Corner from You've Got Mail, which is actually a cute little cheese and antiques shop, but god. The townhouse! The steps! I swear, when you're standing there, you can almost hear the piano practice next door. I actually - and audibly - gasped when we walked onto the block.

Now all I have to do is get Dan to dress up and we can take pictures of us kissing on the steps. It will be perfect.

My moomy is coming on Thursday! And she will meet Mr. and Mrs. Dan on Friday, and they will all be like, hello, you're a teacher, I'm a teacher, we're all teachers. And wear stylish teacher clothes. I'm not at all worried about them not liking each other, since how can anyone not like my Moomy? Or the Dans? But I am a little concerned for that far-off day when they come face-to-face with Dad and Carol. Because those two are from another PLANET. And it could be a little discombobulating when Carol starts to yammer on about purses and such, and Dad gets all dictator-y, blah blah golf and I'm so well-read. It scares me and I KNOW these people. Imagine what nice, sane Mr. and Mrs. Dan will think.

If I were Dan, I would have written a nice, long entry about the walking tour in chronological order, listing all the sites with commentary and even remembering quotes and facts about each. Part of me wishes I could do that, but most of me is happy I can leave it up to him and just blather on in my own non-linear way.

the night before - the morning after

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