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me as a powerpuff girl

illicit job hunts: tasty!

03.26.02 - 6:59 p.m.

Even though my Friday night drunken resolution was to stay here until we actually released a movie, I found not one but TWO jobs that I would be really, really good at online today. And just seeing the art-related one gave me an adrenaline rush that lasted for hours. How sad is that? I get high on the faintest prospect of another job. Neither of them pay spectacularly well, nothing better than what I make now, but the simple thought of being in a magazine environment, away from Evan, where I might even get a lunch break, is enough for me. And if I never hear from them - so what? Not like I'm in danger of losing my paycheck here.

On the other hand, I'm trying, really I am, to be nice to Jack. I'm giving him advice, opportunities to prove himself so Evan stops treating him like a child. (Oh, wait - he still treats ME like a child. No point there.) But sometimes he makes it so damn hard, still not paying attention to the important things and obsessing over the wrong stuff. So I must grit my teeth and soldier on. Please, God, please, make him competent someday soon.

And tomorrow we get to reorganize the basement storage room. Be still, my heart.

Memo to self: Stop picking the zit on your face!

the night before - the morning after

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