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me as a powerpuff girl

damn the man, save the empire

03.27.02 - 4:18 p.m.

I think what I need to get me through each day is to imagine myself as Jennifer Garner in Alias working silently against The Man. Though I may seem like a mild-mannered, yet slightly bitchy assistant, every move I make is a strike against Eeeevil Evan and his nefarious crime syndicate. So (insert little trigonometry proof symbol here) I shall refer to my place of employment as SD-6 from now on.


Unfortunately, this mentality is hard to uphold when you're snarfing down a turkey sandwich and a humongoid plate of potato salad stolen from the conference room. I don't even NEED to be eating this; I had my Bowl Appetit earlier in the day, not to mention an also-stolen cherry danish. Yurp.

According to my little Budget Tracker on MSN Money, I am spending $118 more than I should each month. That's not exactly fabulous news, but not a shock, either. The surprising fact? After my rent, which eats up 45% of my monthly income, my next largest category of spending is Personal Care. That's haircuts, waxing, makeup, blabbity blah. Who knew I was so high-maintenance?

The saddest part? I feel like you can't even tell.

the night before - the morning after

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