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me as a powerpuff girl

to learn how to love, and forget how to hate...

04.02.02 - 6:36 p.m.

Flurmp. Morning love is very good. It makes you feel all better about heading off to the soul-sucking pit of SD-6 via Path Train from Hell. Bitter, am I? No, not really. Not today. Not on Rex Manning Day!

I digress. Even when I don't have a topic to begin with.

I finished yet another New York magazine crossword puzzle today. Go brain cells! I'm getting rather adept at these thingys, but still don't think I'm quite good enough for the NYT one. Maybe just start with the Monday one. Or I would, if I actually GOT the New York Times. Not having it every day kind of cramps my style.

New Osbournes tonight, yippee yay yay! Finally saw the latest episode on Sunday. I seriously didn't think I could laugh any harder than I did during the pet episode - "Lola's shitting aliens!" - but this one is definitely a contender.
Sharon: "Darling, the Wicked Witch has NOTHING on me." "Ozzy, not wood!"
Ozzy: "Beam me up, Scotty." "Bubbles? Bubbles? Sharon, I'm the prince of fucking darkness!"
Har. Oh god, I can't help it. I want a 24/7 OzzyCam.

So I hear Slabs is moving to Chicago. I have to say, I'm kind of hurt that she didn't tell me herself. Not because I'm the expert or anything, but I WAS there for a whole year and wouldn't you want to let your friend know? Not even for advice, but for fun?

It just makes me sad. And left out.

"SHARON!" Dodder, dodder, dodder.

the night before - the morning after

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