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me as a powerpuff girl

alien body polish

04.23.02 - 1:12 p.m.

This game will be the death of me. Damn you, procrastination! I cannot stop playing!

Dan might not like this, but I am truly in love with my latest body scrub. This one, I think, might be the permanent answer to my bumpiness. Origins Pomegranate Body Polish is its name. It's one of those salt scrubs that comes in a mason jar and is difficult to use unless you've got a tub with nice wide ledges. The kind that definitely did not work in the asylum shower I shared with Junmei. An unwieldy motherfucker. But this time I have room for it, and it works like a charm. Although it is staining my bath puff and making my shower resemble a scene from Psycho. With extra fruit juiciness. And although we were calling it the alien body polish on Sunday afternoon, I still love it.

Actually, it's more of an open relationship between me, Dan and my shower concoctions. It started with his enthusiastic response to my satsuma shower gel. Then he started trying my sea marine body scrub. Now he's co-opting the pomegranate polish. Hee. Oh, best-smelling rugged boyfriend ever! I will have you at the Man-Spa soon enough.

the night before - the morning after

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