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me as a powerpuff girl

is that opportunity i hear knocking?

04.25.02 - 7:08 p.m.

I got all the credit for Boss's Cool Birthday Cake today. Which is good, because I'm the one who researched all the fancypants cake places in the city, came up with the idea to put Boss's beloved dog on the cake, and schlepped the whole way to the Upper East Side on my own time to give pictures of the dog to the cake lady. Pretty much the entire celebration. Somehow I didn't expect to be acknowledged for any of it, though.

That's my excitement. I got my boss a good cake for his birthday. Top that, next year's assistant!

OK, new excitement in the space of just five minutes. I was just asked if I'd like to move over and be assistant to VP Development. Something I'd not really considered, um, EVER. And something I probably should start considering right this second.

Evan would miss me here. He'd be stuck with Captain Obvious, which as much as Ev gets on my nerves, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Well, maybe I would. I'm not that nice. And VP Development can be a tough boss, though not as tough as VP Publicity, which is where I thought I was going anyway.

But I'd be in Development. The creative part of the office. I'd get to read and have opinions, and not stay as late. I wouldn't have to answer the front phone and I wouldn't have to deal with Captain Obvious, huge huge bonus there. I'd still be paid the same nonexistent amount but I'd have my own desk. That I could decorate. See the stupid things that are important to me?

It's not set in stone that I would definitely be the assistant, though. VP of D is very notoriously picky, one of the things that makes him less preferable to work for than my current boss. But I have to think about it nonetheless.

the night before - the morning after

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