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me as a powerpuff girl

new boots, dead weight

04.26.02 - 6:53 p.m.

I am now in possession of some extremely kick-ass boots, thanks to a surprise 30 percent off coupon from Evan. 30 percent off makes Kenneth Cole almost affordable to me, and these are amazing boots. I have pointy witch toes.

The downside to going into that store is even if you buy one thing, you find something else to covet for a few weeks until you can scrounge up the change to buy it. Now I want these. They are so petite and ladylike, complete opposites of the rock n' roll monsters I bought today.

I gave my resume, expressed my interest in the new assistant job. I have nothing to lose. Except the front phone, and Jack's dead weight.

Tortured myself by looking at Chicago apartment listings today. In a way, it's worse than looking at the New York ones because you can get so much more for the same price. I feel like I know nothing here, am not in a routine, don't have "my" places. Though I can get around just find and am familiar and comfortable with neighborhoods, it's not my own. It belongs to someone else and I'm still a visitor.

Lord, I'm depressing this week.

the night before - the morning after

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