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hot howie in the summertime

04.29.02 - 7:35 p.m.

Going to see HOWIE! For the first time since...oh, geez, June of last year? The night I wore the cowboy hat and saw him twice in one night and got rip-roarin' drunk at Johnny O'Hagans.

That was a good night. Too bad I didn't write more about it in that entry. I saw Howie first at the Summer Solstice celebration at the MCA, on the back lawn standing on top of the Sol Lewitt stone sculpture/drawing thing, then I accompanied two 15-year-old boys to the House of Blues for his second show. I did NOT stay for the John Mayer set because I am really dumb and I didn't know much about him back then. Stupid, stupid. I can't believe I even admit these things.

From there, I cabbed it up to Molly's and she drove us to the Irish pub, where my ivresse continued and where Natalie convinced me to do many silly things. I remember being very happy and very drunk in my hat, green tubey and denim skirt.

Very happy and very drunk, indeed.

the night before - the morning after

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