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me as a powerpuff girl

"grrrrr, arrrghh" is not just a clever catchphrase

05.15.02 - 2:43 p.m.

I forgot about my plan to make an album with songs about lighthouses, with songs like "The Life of a Lighthouse Keeper" and "O, Henry Hudson." Must write it here so as never to forget again.

Apart from the oddly exhilarating ending on Buffy last night - who knew I wanted to see an extremely hairy man have his skin ripped off? - I have a few bones to pick with the show. First, I think the acting in this episode was the worst I've seen all season. They said "Tara's dead" the same way I'd say "We're out of milk." Yes, you're all in shock, but have a little emotion for your dead friend! What happened to the pain and grief we saw in "The Body?" We all saw Tara's death coming and she wasn't particularly one of my favorite characters, but that doesn't mean it should be glossed over in favor of the Eeeeevil Willow Vengeance Plot.

And you'd think someone would notice all the deaths occurring in and around the Summers family. "Oh, la dee dah, taking another dead body from this house again. Wait, honey, didn't we just stuff you in a big black bag a few months ago? I see you've cut your hair since then. Looks good on you."

AND, poor poor Dawn. First she sits with dead Tara for hours, only to be babysat by Clem (better than Spike, at least) because Buffy doesn't want to put her in danger. Um, hi. You and Tara were just shot IN YOUR OWN HOME. You are THE SLAYER, meaning demons attack you ALL THE TIME. And now you want to leave your sister with the guy who tried to rape you a few days ago? I think just living with you puts her in danger.

Plus, how old is Dawn now? She's what, a high school sophomore? Buffy was slaying around that age. Yeah yeah, Dawn's not the slayer herself, but she's not a baby either. God knows that she's seen enough in the past two years to make her stronger than most teenagers. At least let her stay at The Magic Box with Anya. She's not going to steal anything any more. Let her train in the back, in Buffy's little zen room. Teach her some self-defense. But for pete's sake, don't just foist her off on the handy demon babysitter! Way to make her feel wanted, Buff.

the night before - the morning after

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