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me as a powerpuff girl

way to burn those bridges

05.31.02 - 6:42 p.m.

Tired. Bone-dead tired. Forgot it was Friday for a little while. For most of the day, actually, until Kerry asked me what I was doing tonight. Um, a bath and a glass of wine, most likely.

Evan took it well. He said "you suck" a few times, but he knows he can't stop my meteoric rise to power. Now I must plan the execution of my final wish before I leave SD-6: for someone to put the smackdown on Jack. Maybe if I scrunch my eyes tight and pray really really hard, that will happen.

It would also be funny for me to tell him he's the sole cause of me leaving the company, but I'm not that mean. Or am I?

the night before - the morning after

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