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me as a powerpuff girl

bunny suit!

06.28.02 - 10:54 p.m.

For those who have been eagerly awaiting it (Bassett), I hereby present...
my boyfriend.

Yes. I date the man in the bunny suit. His sister (whose arm you can see cut off by the cropping) is actually funnier, but I didn't want to detract from the wonder of Dan.

Anyway. On with the evening. This is what I do on a Friday night after finishing my supper of one Granny Smith apple with extra crunchy peanut butter, the rest of my Boucheron with crackers, two glasses of a 97 Cab and three Chips Ahoy with mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think that covers all the food groups.

Also I watched State and Main again before cleaning the bathroom. It was disgusting. Not the movie - that was wonderful and fabulous as always, and Philip Seymour Hoffman never ceases to get my heart a-racing. Oh, what a fine, fine hunk of man meat he is. Lordy. But the bathroom was supremely nasty. I hate other people's hair. And months of built-up soap scum that was not built up by me. And the stinky underside of the toilet seat. No woman should be forced to clean that. It should be strictly a man's job.

I did it all without rubber gloves, even. This is what I have been guilted into.

I will say this. The Dorito craving has lessened since this afternoon. Ever since I started thinking about how good I've been with the healthy food, my eating habits have gone straight back to shit. Tonight's dinner is one example, but it gets even more embarrassing. I was walking back from the second floor administration offices when I saw a broken tip of Dorito on the carpet. Suddenly I was seized with the urge to snatch it up from the floor, or run to the vending machine and cram all sorts of fake cheesy goodness down my throat. I was saved from myself by all my change being in the car and not in my wallet. That and the fact that there were no more Doritos in the vending machine anyway.

There were some tasty looking M&M's, though. For next week.

the night before - the morning after

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