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me as a powerpuff girl

i usually hate it when people copy IM convos

06.29.02 - 10:24 p.m.

In the same vein as the bunny suit, here is another little something that will amuse only two people: excerpts from a conversation between my sister and I dated June 12, 2001.

BrkfsTfnys: showy hebe!
StumpRot: helow

BrkfsTfnys: although he keeps sending me, like 5 bucks, with little notes like "buy yourself a beer"
BrkfsTfnys: does he want to make me an alcoholic?
StumpRot: yes
StumpRot: he sent me $3 that said "buy yourself an ice cream cone" apparently i am to be fat

BrkfsTfnys: i have nothing to do tomorrow (brooklyn pronounciation)
StumpRot: that is okay
BrkfsTfnys: except finally eat that lance bass lollipop
StumpRot: eeeee!
StumpRot: excitor
BrkfsTfnys: yaum. chomp chomp. i kept saying bidiwoo to moom on the phone
BrkfsTfnys: depeche mode excitor?
StumpRot: what did she say?
StumpRot: no, like a japanese monsTOR
StumpRot: you are my sisTOR
StumpRot: andy is repulSOR
BrkfsTfnys: from the planet ZORDON
StumpRot: and his gut is giganTOR
StumpRot: i am a pterodacTOR
StumpRot: etc
BrkfsTfnys: i feel disgusTOR
BrkfsTfnys: he's a lava man!
StumpRot: "juilliard"

BrkfsTfnys: i heart fran from travis
StumpRot: tee hee, and his swampman mohawk?
BrkfsTfnys: si!
BrkfsTfnys: viva la swampman mohawk!
StumpRot: how is the new cd?
BrkfsTfnys: mmmmm, zesty. i am listening to it maintenant
BrkfsTfnys: in their thank yous, they say "and to you for getting this record. these songs belong to you now"
StumpRot: hee, how nice
BrkfsTfnys: they are NICE BOYS
BrkfsTfnys: i have the new air
StumpRot: oui?
BrkfsTfnys: hnyawh hnyawh hnyawh
BrkfsTfnys: how does one spell the damn french laugh????
StumpRot: that was pretty good
BrkfsTfnys: i feel it looks slightly eegish
StumpRot: well what can you do
BrkfsTfnys: who can imagine hitting that pole?
StumpRot: zee french can!!!
BrkfsTfnys: zee french can!
StumpRot: zee frainch cannnnn
BrkfsTfnys: there's a fatboy slim song on the MR soundtrack that goes, "because you can-can-can!
StumpRot: oh fatboy
BrkfsTfnys: oh tc
StumpRot: i brushed kodi today
StumpRot: and i sang him a song about how he was a drooly monster
BrkfsTfnys: oh good, monsieur scaly. he is a happy senile boy
StumpRot: and that's why i couldn't kiss him, but i knew that the cats had crowned him king of the drooly cats, even though he hid his crown from us
StumpRot: he enjoyed it

the night before - the morning after

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