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old-fashioned fun

07.01.02 - 6:09 p.m.

Oh, how I must laugh. I happened upon this article on Kennywood during my daily internet reading and simply HAD to fashion a reply, which follows thusly:

Dearest EGs,

As a Pittsburgh expatriate with a rather large soft spot for her hometown, I read your Letter from an Old-Fashioned Amusement Park with much amusement.

I sympathize with your horreur at the Western Pennsylvania fashion on display. Is it any wonder that this is the same region that spawned Christina Aguilera? Nonetheless, I'm pleased you found Kennywood charmingly quaint, and hope you do not hold Pittsburgh too unkindly in your memories. Style-challenged though it may be (and sadly, last on Forbes' list of the 40 Best Cities for Singles), Pittsburgh is still a well-meaning and genial city.

Dan and I will be making our first trip to PNC Park on Friday, as part of the Vacation Bonus Day. It is also our intent to visit Mr. Roger's Neighborhood in Idlewild Park, despite Dad's scoffing at both the visit and the price. So maybe we'll go to Jumpin' Jungle and ride the Round-Up as well. And here's more trivia for you: Idlewild is the third oldest amusement park in America! We are a treasure trove of old-fashioned fun out there in Western PA.

the night before - the morning after

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