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me as a powerpuff girl

how many weeks of summer left?

08.06.02 - 9:48 p.m.

Even with the heat gone, I'm finding it hard to make a square meal for myself. Tonight's dinner theme of "just because it tastes good doesn't mean it's good for ya" has been popping up one too many nights.

I decided to call a few rentable apartments today. I thought I'd leave some messages, maybe some people would call me back, I'd end up seeing the apartments in the next week or so. No big rush. OH NO. I looked at three, almost four, apartments today. Only one I liked. The one that's the most expensive. But the owner lady and I seemed to really dig each other. We bonded over the Midwest - she grew up in Nebraska - and I think she liked my sass.

But who knows. It's not like we can GO ANYWHERE for three more months. My only consolation is having my own room where my boxes can stay and where I can bask in the sun as I put pretty Stila colors on my face every morning, and where I can set up a chair and a light so I can chill in a new location in the evenings. Or not. But I could, if I wanted to. I do have the chair with no friend, you know.

Wow. Todd Oldham just cemented Tar-zhay's rep as the coolest discount kid on the block. He really did. As if the others even had a chance beforehand, but now there's absolutely no comparison. Nothing says cute, colorful and disposable like Todd Oldham.

I should be watching The Royal Tenenbaums right now. Shazam!

the night before - the morning after

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