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me as a powerpuff girl

dear to me, but so expensive

09.10.02 - 5:21 p.m.

"If you don't wear red, white and blue tomorrow, they'll think you're a communist!"

Fuck you, apartment hunting! Everyone is in a bad mood today. I can't understand why people think a month and a half before your lease ends is too early to find a new place. What the fuck do people think you're going to do in the interim? Besides fill out the application, get the credit check, get everything approved, sign the actual lease, search for a reliable moving company, book a moving company, send change-of-address forms and pack your own stuff? Noooo, that's not much at all!

Not to mention the pain of finding a place that doesn't look like a campus housing reject, that has ample closets, that is not so far west that I can't quickly get into the city via public transport and, most importantly, that has a washer and dryer. At least in the basement somewhere. Why is this so hard to fathom? I'm sorry I live under the poverty line. I would like to own property, save money and not just rent someday. Does that mean for the time being I must live in a box?

So fuck you, apartment hunting. Is it any wonder I go to bed depressed and wake up nervous?

the night before - the morning after

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