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me as a powerpuff girl

i can't sew, but i can put together a damn fine outfit

10.14.02 - 5:55 p.m.

OK. I have to write something. It is officially fall. I busted out the leather coat (which still had hummus on the sleeve from the last time I wore it over Easter), my cuticles dried up and started peeling overnight, and the office is a tit nipply. I had the choice of wearing either a sweater or a button-down today, and I chose the button-down. I had the choice between boots with socks and heels with bare feet, and I chose the heels. Maintenance is turning on the heat in the building TOMORROW. I am a moron.

It's a good excuse to drink hot chocolate all day, though.

The Handy Stitch sewing machine knows I want it and keeps taunting me with junk emails. Stop it, Handy Stitch! I cannot afford you! I must spend money on movers and new CDs and rent, not on silly sewing machines that will only be another testament to my failed hobbies! I want to alter t-shirts and hem my own jeans, but previous experience (see: inability to make simple skirt for me and shorts for my teddy bear) has taught me that sewing is probably not my forte. In theory I should be great at it, but in theory I should also be good at sculpture and wrapping presents. Being artistic does have its limitations.

So. If the rain holds off tomorrow I can wear my red suede hottie pants, but if it does rain, I'm screwed. I was contemplating my shredded-hem black dress with the grommet belt/shoe combo, but I don't know if it's gauche to be wearing open-toed shoes like that (more like open-FOOT shoes) in mid-October. Plus, I'll be having to take the extra-super-cool NJ Transit bus and then the subway in either outfit.

I'm going to the VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards, by the way. This is why I'm stressing. A girl can get by with her Seven jeans at the VMAs, but I think the fashion awards call for something a little more spectacular. And what an excuse to splurge - if only I weren't paying for two rents, one storage space, one student loan payment and one moving company this month while STILL smarting from the hefty chunk that security deposit took out of my checking account. Gah! Real life does NOT take into consideration how fabulous I need to be.

I must check again.

the night before - the morning after

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