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me as a powerpuff girl

someone left a cake out in the rain!

10.30.02 - 5:52 p.m.

My god. I had no idea that Richard Harris was the guy who sang "MacArthur Park!" I used that record as a base for my own album cover in stupid Mrs. Cook's honors English class junior year! Poor Richard Harris - I covered you with simple construction paper and painted "Casey and the Trilobites" over your face. In my defense, I did make up some great faux song titles, as I recall. Too bad I have no idea where that album is anymore.

And that, I suppose, is my history lesson for the day.

Oh, and Manuel Alvarez Bravo died too. But he was 100, so I guess no one can blame him.

And you know, I'm really tired of trying to find this marriage research (which I can't be more specific about here, or Googling it will only pull up this page) that I've already hunted down for hours with all manner of search terms and even left a voice message in French in pursuit of the wily study. But I will find it. If anyone can find obscure sociological surveys, apparently it's me.

I just have no desire to do any more work today. Laundry is starting to look like a relief. Laundry, cheese, and assembly of an IKEA lamp. Hoo boy.

the night before - the morning after

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