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me as a powerpuff girl


01.13.03 - 5:52 p.m.

Not doing so well. Seem to be on the verge of tears rather often these days. Though today's choice of clothing gives me some amusement: I am dressed like a 1950s co-ed, with cable-knit sweater, pearls, dotty stockings and full skirt. I am only missing the poodle.

Weekend enlightening, inasmuch as it showed me that Leanne and I will never be friends in quite the same way as we used to be ever again.

Just realized that Cubiclegirl and I were both on Newbury Street, perhaps even on the same block, perhaps even at the same time on Saturday.

I'm not so sure I want to be doing magazine work anymore. Maybe I should join Heather as a chocolatier? Maybe we should stay another year, cultivate a new career plan and move back to Chicago? Maybe yoga will help me figure out a few of these things.

Maybe watching Joe Millionaire will make me realize what I'm doing isn't so bad after all. I could be a reality ho instead of just a media whore.

the night before - the morning after

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