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me as a powerpuff girl

on edge

03.19.03 - 5:45 p.m.

Hee. The "How Pittsburgh Are You?" quiz is funny. If you're from the area. Yes, I have been inside Noah's Ark. And I call them subs, not hoagies. But I have never told anyone to "redd up" his or her room.

Carol caught me nearly crying at my desk because of a voicemail from Dad, because that is what he does, and then of course I was so embarrassed about being near tears that they just started a-flowin'. Gah. Will it get to the point where I can't give him my work number?

So now I'm getting edgy, just cause everyone else is on edge, and I hate this feeling. People. Stop it. You're upsetting me. I am fragile. I just spent two hours staring blindly at my desk after spending an hour mindlessly roaming the halls of Target. I am in no condition to do anything at this point.

And no, I don't spend too much time at Target. Why do you ask?

the night before - the morning after

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