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me as a powerpuff girl

instinctively buying a mixmaster

05.12.03 - 10:14 a.m.

Driving back from Allentown, I decide that, since it's on the way, I should stop at Short Hills and finally (FINALLY!) get the Mixmaster. But my front right tire is missing its air hole cap thing so I start thinking about car troubles and how I should save my money in case something awful happens.

Then I decide I'm being pessimistic and I should just buy it as planned. If the car dies, I'll deal with it then.

OK. If I can remember which exit I take from the east, I'll go. If not, I'll decide next weekend.

I remember to get in the local lanes. I find the exit for 24 West. I pull into our favorite area of the parking garage and get the first space without having to stalk anyone.

These are all extremely auspicious signs. So I buy it.

I go home, make a key lime pie and some choco-peanut-fudge cookies, watch all three hours of Survivor and cuddle with Mr. Striped Tiger.

This morning, I was told that I am indeed officially getting a promotion.


the night before - the morning after

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