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me as a powerpuff girl

ridiculous dogma

07.10.03 - 8:34 p.m.

Conversation overheard in the work caf:

Woman who steals books from the home department and always tries to weasel her way out of getting caught: "Mmm, lentil soup, I love lentil soup!"

Man who is ALWAYS in the caf, oversharing to anyone around in a loud, feminine voice: "Me too, as long as it's not full of chopped-up pig!"

See? Now why do you have to say it that way? Why do you have to really say anything at all? If offered lentil soup, which you WEREN'T, can't you just politely ask if it contains bacon or ham? I can't stand people who parade their beliefs into normal conversation like that. And this guy does ALL THE TIME. He leaves his crappy leftover cake sitting out on the counter all the time. (Well, that doesn't have anything to do with his reediculous dogma, but it's annoying.) picks through the giveaway bins while talking about how his Buddhist philosophy doesn't allow him to keep many material possessions. And then he takes three cookbooks home.

What movie is that "ridiculous dogma" line from, anyway? I just watched it.

Oh, it was Moulin Rouge. OK.

Moom bought tickets to see Nine with Bassie and me in August. I bought tickets for Bassie and me to see R.E.M. in October for her birthday. I am going to Boston this weekend, having the cookout next weekend, Dad coming the weekend after that, then Leanne's wedding, then Moom comes again for the aforementioned Nine... all this stuff to do and yet each day drags on interminably.

And yet I can't get a new job until three weeks before the R.E.M. show, because that's when my tickets will be delivered via FedEx to work. That's really not so far away. That's like, the beginning of September. Perhaps I should start looking around.

Does anyone know if it's bad protocol to just ring up an HR person at a publishing company and be like, yo, one of your ex-employees gave me your number. Got anything good for me? That doesn't involve bullshit health writing?

Oh, and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night. Yarrrrr, baby. Johnny Depp. Just yaarrrrrr. The audience gave a mass gasp when he first appeared on screen. That's how much and how fast he was able to enthrall everyone. Even Dan liked it! And he doesn't have the same wacky obsession with the Disney ride that I do! Not that it had much to do with the ride, really, but it's what piqued my interest in the first place. I mean, pirates? Skeletons (which have always creeped me out more than anything -- I think it stems from this plastic skeleton model I got for Christmas that glowed in the dark, and after I assembled it, I would just think about it down there in the living room, glowing with that scary grin. I think the creepy is mainly in the jaws)?

Yar. I digress.

the night before - the morning after

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