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gimme a K!

03.21.04 - 9:42 a.m.

Despite my bitching at the television over the past four years, let it not be said that I wasn't truly an Ed fan. Because yesterday I think I proved my love once and for all by bringing home the K from the Stuckeybowl sign.

When I got to the prop sale ten minutes before it was to open, there was already a line snaking nearly the whole way around the warehouse to the front of the bowling alley/studio. I mentally gave myself an hour to wait in the line before bailing -- after all, I had people to meet and shoes to buy. But it went quickly, enduring only a brief chat with my linemates (who were both at the auction the Saturday before and bought Ed's office chair and law books for I don't know what price) before I got inside.

It didn't take me long to spot them, leaning quietly against the old Stuckeyville high lockers (only $40 a locker!). I'd already grabbed a blue bowling pin the minute I walked in the door, so I couldn't carry much more out with me. Not to mention the price made it clear that this would be my last memorabilia purchase of the day.

I had a choice: Y, L, K or W. I saw a man walking around with the C, but opted not to fight him for it. I saw the T being held in the corner for another customer. Somehow, the K seemed architecturally prettiest, with the added bonus of being able to stand on its own on a shelf. With the companion Stuckeybowl blue bowling pin, it seemed like the right choice.

As I lugged the giant piece of metal and neon tubing through the crowd outside, round and fragile pin tucked precariously under my arm, I heard whispers of, "oh, look, she got the sign." Yeah, bitches. I got my ass up good and early to spend my money on emotionally invested trash. Have fun with those pea-green couches and thrift-store endtables -- I got the K, baby!

Bassett and I were just discussing the purchase of the K, and she reminded me of a slightly deranged predilection of my youth -- I was a Letter Klepto in high school.

I stole a C (one of the pseudo-3D letters on clear plastic often used on rural min-mart signs) from Niagara Falls during one of our Saturday bus trips. I made Bass an accomplice when I discovered the metal letters on the side of the football stadium wall had been replaced and the old ones left behind the bleachers. We only took a G and an S, and for the life of us cannot remember if they're still somewhere in Moom's house.

Now I'm legit! I've gone straight and I pay for my letters fair and square. I guess this is growing up.

the night before - the morning after

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