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me as a powerpuff girl

an offer I can't refuse

03.25.04 - 6:03 p.m.

Everyone makes (or made, since the dot-com bust occurred) a big deal out of e-commerce and shopping online. But thus far, I've been able to find one boyfriend and two jobs over the internet. I'd say that's a bit more monumental than a $24.99 button-down from

And yes, I said TWO jobs. I got an offer today, an offer that will allow me to leave the godforsaken wasteland of The Magazine. I am almost afraid to talk about it, lest the official letter of "we want YOU!" not appear in my mailbox -- I'm too afraid to even think about giving notice until it's in my hands -- but I AM thinking about it, and I'm thinking about how I won't have to come up with impossible story ideas any longer, and how I won't have to see certain coworkers ever again, and all the general optimism that comes with a job change.

And I'll be working in the city again, which thrills me to absolutely no end. I really can't talk about it. I will have no money. The office is up the street from a Pottery Barn and across from a Loews and Barnes & Noble. Not good! Not to mention it's a straight shot on the train from my (soon to be) office to Kerry's. And oh, how lovely the commute will be with Le Pod.

Of course, I could end up hating the work after a few months, like at my past jobs, and all these happy thoughts will come back to bite me in the ass. That is my curse, after all.

the night before - the morning after

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