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me as a powerpuff girl

these endless days are finally ending in a blaze

03.31.04 - 6:52 p.m.

Great "Lent" Specials reads the sign on the hot dog restaurant up the street from our apartment. Hee. Are they trying to trick the poor Lenten-keeping people into eternal damnation? "I swear, it's a veggie dog, really!"

Something has started, something's in the water, because two more people have given notice since I did last Friday. There must be a karmic vibe, a big wave of retribution starting, because these are people I barely talk to on a daily basis and would have no way of knowing their plans or schemes. It's company-wide. It's the people's revolt! Vive la liberte!

But there is more to life than my job. The days are passing in a blur -- a very long, drawn-out blur from 9 to 6 weekdays and then a shelf-staining, food-buying, concert-seeing blur otherwise. Last night we watched John Mayer and Brad Paisley tape their CMT Crossroads show at the Hammerstein Ballroom. I say watched, because while I attempted to listen, we were sitting up with the VIPs who had some sort of cocktail shindig beforehand, and who thought it was more important to drink and yap through the taping than actually pay attention to what was happening onstage. And there was much shrieking for both of the hunky men, though no panties were thrown as far as I could tell. Also, the acoustics from the balcony were horrible.

But from what I did hear, they adapted well to each other's songs, trading off verses rather than harmonizing throughout, as Dave and Emmylou often did. The between-song banter was probably the funniest portion of the night -- Dan recommended that they play it over the closing credits in lieu of music -- but listening to them play "Me Neither" and "My Stupid Mouth" and compare the themes of each (inability to pick up chicks due to verbal diarrhea) was nearly as amusing. That's right up there with all the great Shakespearean plots.

Sigh. I have Friendster testimonials to write. Work, work, work. No rest for the wicked.

the night before - the morning after

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