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me as a powerpuff girl

howie's day

1.15.01 - 7pm

All right, I have a confession to make. I must take back everything derogatory I've ever said about puffy vests. I was coerced into buying one over winter break, and... I LOVE IT! It's so retro-space-age. Even here in crappy Chicago, it's been warm enough lately for me to wear it instead of a coat (yes, with a warm sweater underneath, it's not like it's Miami here) and it is just the best thing. I still kinda feel like Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future, but hey.

It's Howie Day's 20th birthday! I'm making t-shirts in his honor. No, I am not going to wear one to his show. That would be obscene. Especially if I actually get to interview him and write a kickass story that will make him fall in love with me because I am oh so witty and am obviously such a dedicated gal. Three years is not that big of a diff, eh?

Cheerios for dinner, hoorah. Today is much better than yesterday.

Best quote of the day, from Sheep in the Big City: "So I says to him, I says, 'As a sheep, I really like to hang around, GRAZING.'"

the night before - the morning after

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