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me as a powerpuff girl

first draft

1.26.01 - just after midnight

YEAH!!!! I'm pumped...Just finished my first draft of my Howie article, so it's a couple hundred words short - ok, 1500 - but that will all be cleared up by the rewrite. What a relief. Actually, I don't like the article a whole lot right now, but I just wanted it off my shoulders. It really needs a lot of live interaction with HD himself, but that obviously can't happen until he generously donates his time to me next weekend.

I'm sorry, all I ever talk about is my stupid work, but that's all that ever happens around here. I honestly haven't gone out all week, unless you count the one-hour excursion to Wendy's today and the coffee break at Barnes & Noble earlier in the week, where I had to go anyway cause I needed food (excuse me, Epicurean) magazines for the editing project.

And let me tell you about the Wendy's restaurants around here: there are none! We had to drive about 20 minutes today just to get to the closest one, in NILES, no less. There's got to be someone else in this county who hates McDonalds as much as I do. I'm serious, what does a girl have to do to get a spicy chicken sandwich and a frosty? Time well spent though, I haven't had a meal with all four food groups (yes, frosties are dairy to me) since last week.

Now I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay early weekend! Yay Jeff Buckley! (Well, sniff, Jeff Buckley. Whatever.)

the night before - the morning after

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