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me as a powerpuff girl

it's about purity!

1.27.01 - 12:24am

Just returned from the movie State and Main, starring the incomparable Philip Seymour Hoffman. He is a joy to watch. The movie itself was about 3 stars out of 4 - definitely worth the student price of $6.50 - but PSH was simply wonderful. I can't believe some critics dared wonder if he was believable as a romantic lead! I'm sorry, I know my celebrity crushes are odd and completely out of control, but this guy, come on! He's intelligent, sincere, versatile, witty and has a cool gravelly voice to boot. And he was kickass as Brandt in The Big Lebowski. So good! Except...I wish he'd lose the longish hair he's got in this month's GQ - on the cover, no less.

It was kind of funny - we had to do exercises in description in class yesterday and Abe passed around a pic of PSH from the aforementioned GQ article to write about. Anne, stupid Anne, goes "oh, I LOVE him!" when she sees the photo, and when asked what his name is, admits she doesn't know. I, I love this man. I know. But that was actually the point of the article, which I bet no one else bothered to read, is that Phil's face is so instantly recognizable because he plays all these amazing, dead-on parts in these movies, but no one can remember his name! No one knows who he really is because he gets so completely into his characters. He is the coolest. Again, but what if I actually met the guy? It would probably ruin everything. Gotta rethink my career path before I'm forced out of my dream world for good.

Is it wrong to want to go out to the kitchen and eat ramen all night long? Mmmmm, MSG.

the night before - the morning after

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