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me as a powerpuff girl

but tonight you're on my mind, so...

1.27.01 - time for dinner?

OK, that's two diaries I've read today that have quoted "Lover, You Should Have Come Over" - which has also been in my CD player for the past two days since it's been on my mind... it's a song Howie covers every now and again, and he was playing it the first night I saw him and it really made me pay attention. As Catherine Feeny says, "It takes balls to cover a Jeff Buckley song, and he did it marvelously." The same thing happened to her the first time she saw Howie too. So why is everyone else listening to this song at this very moment too? The wintry weather, the mid-January seasonal affective depression...

Are you putting it on your stereo right now?

the night before - the morning after

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