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me as a powerpuff girl

damn, damn, damn

02.08.01 - 12 hours after last entry

OK, this is my problem. Why am I spending money on a plane ticket to see a guy who doesn't love me, is incapable of commitment, would never be a good companion - no, wait, he is perfectly compatible for me but unfortunately shares my completely insane relationship fears so, shit, why do I even try?


I am watching Craig Kilborn. He is way too smarmy for his own good. I can't believe I ever found him attractive.


Anyway - what is the point of trying to rearrange our entire spring break trip just so I can go see him? MUSTAFA, MUSTAFA, WRITE THE DAMN NAME. What will I accomplish by this? I need to either lay it out for him or get used to the fact that he will be a good male friend for me and GET THE FUCK OVER IT. What did they say in Ed last night? Need to look at the tape - Molly made a succinct point about When Harry Met Sally. A single man and a single woman can never be friends. Unless, of course, you have sneaking suspicions that the man is gay (no, Casey, he is not gay, we have established this because if he is then you have kissed two gay men in your lifetime and that is at least, AT LEAST one too many) and then he will happily accompany you to Nordstrom and Pottery Barn. Unless that man is my father, who is oddly possessed with the shopping gene, but is one of the least gay people I have ever met.

the night before - the morning after

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