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me as a powerpuff girl

this is entry 42, my favorite number

02.10.01 - 1:15am

Yeah, rock the fuck are three reasons why I kick ass tonight.

1. I totally beat everyone else and carried my team in Cranium tonight. Who else can spell "antarctica" backwards without writing it out, draw a saxophone with their eyes closed or imitate a vulture?... OK, I couldn't be the charades vulture I always wanted to be but we all have our shortcomings.

2. Listening to OK Computer at 1:16 am. It just feels right.

3. I finally finished the revision of my Howie article/manuscript, and I even found a way to put the "bunnies" quote and the "transformer" quote in it without being too cheesy, I hope. Mmmmmm.

So Mustafa asks me, "are there any magazines in New Orleans?" cause he just got into law school at Tulane. Yeah, right, like I'm going to move to the ends of the world for you. NY or bust at this point. There's probably nothing else except some scary Mardi Gras trad mag down there and I haven't been paying $50,000 to move to the mugging capital of the world, or whatever. Sorry if you want to be a bigshot lawyer. No, I'm not bitter. I just want to see my friends again.

the night before - the morning after

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